Monday, March 30, 2009

A third medical school - a prayerful plea to the powers that be

So here's my humble plea to Minister Khaw as he ponders about the third medical school.

Please give us a third school and not squeeze more demand into the already over stretched NUS medical school.

Please give us a third medical school; one that can concentrate on good down to earth training of doctors. We do not need them to become great scientists. Just good down to earth, compassionate, caring doctors.

Please give us a third medical school; one that is unconcerned about establishing phenomenal global rankings based on academic research. One that is concerned primarily with being good at what it is supposed to do, i.e. train good doctors.

Please give us a third medical school; one that is cheap and good. We do not need to pay expensive salaries for top researchers who do not teach. Or expenseive research labs that do cutting edge research. The only lab we need is the lab that is the lab of life experiences.

Please return to the community the medical school that it once had.


(ex) CE MO said...

i personally feel that we need a doctor, who has gone through the local medical school and who has practised in public institutions and private sectors, to bring about a revolution to medical schools. Having a third medical school no doubt can increase the number of employees but what's the point? Just to cope with the workload? Or to provide enough reasonable/sensible care?

You have a nice blog. Keep it up!

gigamole said...

Yep. Agree with you. But I think the reality is that we are recruiting and staffing for an external economy and not just for our own local consumption. So it just comes down to numbers, to meet a numerical need. Fact is we are beginning to run into problems related to just meeting numerical endpoints but having to pay the price of a degrading quality of our product.

The question we need to deal with is what price are we prepared to pay....? Do we know, or appreciate this even?