Thursday, September 10, 2009

Salmonellosis epidemic in Singapore - strange silence from MOH and AVA

I posted about the spike in diarrhoeal disease 2 days ago, not knowing a report was coming out in Straits Times the very next day. Technically the numbers being seen at polyclinics indicate an 'epidemic' in Singapore. Yet MOH and AVA has been strangely silent about this. Is this food poisoning? Where are the clusters? What's happening? We are all in the dark!

Dr Paul Ananth posted a comment refering to the recent recall of some salmonella contaminated product. In 2007, there was a similar recall of Peter Pan peanut butter in Singapore for salmonella contamination.

So what's happening, AVA? Is this some contaminated food that we should be aware of?


Paul Ananth said...

The authorities need to have an iron-clad case before making any announcement (remember the "Satay" New Year's Eve incident of several year's ago that turned out to be a bottled water incident).

This is perhaps an opportunity for the blogging community to do some amateur epidemiology???? Show that they are not just armchair critics???

gigamole said...'s kinda difficult as an 'amateur epidemiologist' to do anything when data is not available. The only data we have is what MOH publishes in their weekly stats. And those numbers do show evidence of a developing epidemic.

I'm not so sure I agree with your comment that the authorities need an iron clad case before saying something. I think they need to be upfront about what they know and what they don't. Maintaining radio silence isn't the way to manage any kind of an epidemic... even a small one.

The 'epidemic' has been developing for weeks....surely by now they would have some kind of information to share. Unless they have been sleeping all along. :)