Thursday, July 5, 2012

Regulatory conflicts of interest - lessons for the HSA from SMRT/LTA COI

The recently released findings of the Committee of Inquiry for the SMRT breakdowns has some important lessons for the HSA. Apart from pointing out the lapses in SMRT, it also fingered the failure of the regulator, LTA, in managing the intrinsic conflicts of interest inherent within the workings of the regulator. But the LTA is not alone is this regard. Many, if not all of Singapore's regulatory agencies are stacked full of these conflicts.

The HSA is similarly affected. Gigamole has pointed out these conflicts of interests before. How can a regulator do its job when it has also been tasked with befriending and facilitating growth of the very industry it is supposed to regulate? In some cases, the HSA is itself, also the service provider in the areas where it is supposed to regulate.

 In the recent brouhaha about medical device regulation, the HSA came across looking almost afraid of the industry it is supposed to regulate. Note how very quickly it capitulated to the demands of industrial players. To Gigamole, "regulate with a light touch" really means "I will look the other way while you do your thing. Just don't get into trouble".

In the hurriedly convened "closed" town hall meeting, HSA met up with 370 of the industry players to anxiously reassure them of this "light touch". Conspicuously absent was any representation from any consumer groups. Do patient-consumers not have a voice, and do they not need to be protected? It used to be that we can depend of the Ministry of Health, or its proxy, in the form of a governmental regulatory agency, to have the interests of the public first. But nowadays, this cannot be assumed, because regulators have to be industry friendly, and promote the development of these very industries. And the biomedical industry has become significantly more powerful and insistent of late. The need to "perform" with respect to the Pro-Enterprise Index, speaks volumes.

The LTA had been found wonting because it did not adequately firewall its regulatory functions from the need to also promote. Likewise, Gigamole predicts that it is only a matter of time before the HSA runs into serious problems with major consequences for the patient-consumer if it doesn't make a serious attempt to deconflict these functions.

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